Sandleheath Village Hall AGM

A modern, well-equipped village hall in Sandleheath

Sandleheath Village Hall Annual General Meeting

News Posted: 21 September 2021

Our Annual General Meeting

Our next AGM will be held in the village hall at 7:30pm on Thursday 21st October and all residents of Sandleheath are warmly invited to attend. It's your chance to have a say about our village hall, and how it is managed and developed. You'll also be able to vote in trustees for the coming year. Please note the Calling Notice which includes the agenda.

Should you wish to nominate anyone as a village hall trustee, or if you wish to table a resolution at the meeting, the procedure for both is outlined in the Calling Notice.

We hope for a good Sandleheath turnout at this important meeting. The photo shows our initial village hall community meeting in 2015 - how the building has changed. Let's try to match the attendance!

Our initial village hall meeting in 2015
Our initial village hall meeting in 2015

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